The drama between Alia "SSSniperwolf" and Azra "AzzyLand" intensified after the former responded to allegations of copying the latter's content by claiming the opposite. Alia has already been embroiled in a massive controversy this year, with YouTube taking steps against the popular reaction-content creator after she seemingly doxxed JacksFilms.
However, it seems she found herself in hot waters once more after Azra accused her of copying her content and style in a viral video by Nerd City released on November 10. SSSniperwolf has responded to these accusations in a post on X, claiming she has proof that it was, in fact, AzzyLand who copied her video concepts.
She also claimed AzzyLand changed her thumbnails to look like hers, writing that her fellow YouTuber was manipulating events to make her look bad:
"I have a backup of videos and screenshots before she changed the thumbnails to make it look like I copied her. I have proof she copied my thumbnails, SEO, the way I speak, the jokes I make. The way you’re trying to manipulate this is fraud."As mentioned before, Alia has already faced a lot of backlash after she posted pictures of a fellow YouTuber, JacksFilms, on Instagram earlier this year. Although she did apologize publicly after YouTube imposed a penalty on her channel, many have called her out for delaying till after she got penalized.
The more recent controversy is to do with a YouTube video titled SSSniperwolf stole her life that was uploaded by Nerd City. The 36-minute long video is essentially an investigation into the accusations from Canadian content creator AzzyLand, who has alleged that Alia has been stealing her content for years.
The accused, however, has responded with screenshots claiming to be innocent. After claiming that AzzyLand was allegedly changing thumbnails to look like and copy her style, she shared a screenshot that shows two videos with suspiciously similar titles, with Azzy's one posted about ten minutes after hers.
The online clash has obviously caught the eye of many in the community, with a number of people reacting to the news as per their opinion. With people taking sides and criticizing reaction content in general, here is a compilation of the general response to the news from across X.
While she has yet to comment after SSSniperwolf's latest accusations, AzzyLand did mention in a post on X that her main gripe was not about the content per se as much as it is about how she thinks her personality was stolen. She also claimed that Alia weaponized her to destroy competition.
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